ASAB 2025

Logo Competition!

We are looking for the perfect logo for the Easter meeting we’re organising on behalf of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) 2025. All artworks are showcased here: ASAB2025 [Read More]


Interested in learning something new?

Stuck with few ideas on what to do for your final year project in Covid19 times? No opportunity to do labwork but always wondered if a meta-analysis could be a good idea? Check out our Intro guide & interactive course here to get you started: [Read More]


to the Zajitschek Lab!

Welcome to the Zajitschek Lab space! We invite you to have a look around, see what we’re currently working on, what we’re interested in, what we’ve published so far. There’s also some extra info about ourselves (Susi, Felix), both professionally & private, and current opportunities to work with us at LJMU. Finally, we also provide some (hopefully!) useful resources on a wide range of topice - from writing to R skills, to dealing with stress… Enjoy!

R resources

We have now some resources on R, R studio and markdown in our resources section, check it out!